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Top 20 Sites for Nursing News

by Staff Writers on September 27, 2011

Nurses are always at the front lines of health care. No matter the career path you take in nursing, chances are that you will be prominent in the treatment of patients. From nursing assistants to nurse practitioners, the role of nursing in health care is expanding. If you are a nurse, you need to be on top of the latest developments in the world of health care.

The good news is that the Internet provides access to some great resources. Whether you are looking for news about the latest treatment, or looking for nursing salary information, you can stay one step ahead with the help of a good news website. If you want to know what’s happening in the world of nursing, and in the world of health care in general, here are 20 great sites to visit:

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If you want to know about the history of nursing in America, you don’t need to burn gas to travel to an archive. Museums, libraries and other resources have provided plenty of digitized materials to learn about this topic. We also included a few resources outside the U.S., especially when that information pertained to the Red Cross, WWI, WWII or other situations where nurses across the world worked together. [click to continue…]

Foods today have a number additives, artificial ingredients, and chemicals with long and confusing names. With all the processing that goes on, and with all the health problems that can come with eating foods that could be unfamiliar, it is little surprise that, in the midst of a growing obesity epidemic and growing food-related health concerns, that many are becoming interested in having a better idea of what is in their food. You don’t have to be a nutritionist, nurse or other health care professional to know what’s in your food, though. Here are 33 sites that can help you figure out what’s in any food you eat: [click to continue…]

Top 50 Pediatric Health Blogs

by Staff Writers on September 27, 2009

There are special issues and challenges associated with childrens’ health. If you have kids, you want to know how to properly care for them. If your child has a specific health issue, it can also help to connect with others who have the same problem. Blogs can help you with this. There are a number of blogs out there that can help you learn more about pediatric health. Here are 50 of the top pediatric health blogs: [click to continue…]